Real estate for sale in Verbier

Name Type Size Price (CHF) Who can buy
 4 room apartment St Georges 3 bedroom ~218m2 6'700'000 Disponible aux àetrangers
 6 room apartment Tzoumettaz 4 bedroom ~340m2 7'950'000 Disponible aux àetrangers
  room apartment Bourbon 4 bedroom ~300m2 8'300'000 Disponible aux àetrangers
  room apartment Rosalp E1 4 bedroom ~336m2 9'500'000 Disponible aux àetrangers
  room apartment Rosalp W2 4 bedroom ~330m2 13'000'000 Disponible aux àetrangers

The table above is not necessarily a complete listing of the properties we have for sale. For various reasons a seller may choose not to advertise their property on the internet. Please send us an email if you would like to be added to our client list.